Friday, June 14, 2013

Cheap Insurance Doesn't Make It Good Insurance

I’m a dad or mom of 2 young kids myself therefore I understand the feeling of having to shield them. I speculate though if obtaining them funeral insurance policy is really something which will help to make that happen.

I've given it lots of thought and this is a few things I have come up with.

It’s an extremely affordable insurance plan especially because baby death rate in America is very minimal. That's how an insurance provider makes funds, by amassing small amounts from lot's of individuals knowing that not many of them are ever going to record a claim.

But is the affordable price of universal life insurance for children really worth it? If I wish to take good care of the kids I will be more well off obtaining a insurance policy that would protect the household plus a number of years of wages just in case I was to die.

By purchasing a toddlers life insurance policy today they'll experience an opportunity to get up the level of coverage within the same cost within the coming years. The majority of plans start out very small but ten times additional coverage can be purchased at a highly affordable rate.

Are you aware that some plans can earn a cash balance just as long a you only pay the premium promptly. That monetary value can withdrawn at a specified period and utilized to spend on things such as university and maybe even transferred over into a smart investment.

So should I buy life insurance for my children? It is my estimation though that you should not be using whole life insurance policies to earn money. If you want to save for your kids higher education open up a tax advantaged bank account and invest in index funds.

It is possible to build up much more funds in a tax advantaged financial investment account than you would through insurance coverage.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Insuring My Future With Insurance

I bought a life insurance policy a couple of years ago. I went online to a few different websites to try to find the best value and eventually settled on Progressive, as it was the cheapest from those I'd researched and I recognized the brand name.

From the time I initiated the process of buying the insurance from Progressive to the time I printed out my temporary insurance info it was probably less than an hour, which I found quite appealing. Also appealing was the fact that I did not have to speak to anyone. This allowed me to go through the process at my own pace and without having to endure any sales tactics. 

I was able to make my decision based purely on my own criteria and not any criteria imposed upon me. I chose to pay in an annual lump sum, which was approximately $3000. When the next year's payment became due, I noticed I had received a discount as I had become part of a new tier of customer.

I think it was called a Gold Membership status or something similar. The discount appealed to me and, although I had to cancel the insurance before the next year's payment became due, as I got a much cheaper life insurance policy through work, I will most likely purchase insurance from Progressive again if I ever feel I need more coverage.Got to do some legwork first though: The Insurance Gazette.

One thing I would be happy to see would be a discount if I already have insurance through Progressive on a car or something like that. 

I presently have insurance through them on my car, so knowing that I would receive a discount on a motorcycle or life I purchase in the future would give me further incentive to buy insurance through Progressive, although as I previously mentioned, I will probably go ahead and buy through them again as my previous experience with them went so well.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Exercises That Actually Work

I've been working out for a very long time. Very long is relative I guess but to be specific I have been hitting the gym for more than two years now. I've learned a few things and the first of those things is that you can't spot reduce fat. i can't count the number of times I have been asked by people for good exercises to make their stomach flat or exercises to help reduce a double chin. It's amazing to me that such websites even exist.

Do I look like this guy in the picture? No. That's a whole different level of commitment that I'm just not prepared for. Could I look like that if I wanted to. Yup, because I know what exercises actually work for me and how to eat to build muscle like that while burning fat.

For starters skip the bicep curls and calf raises. You're going to want to strenghten as many muscles at a time as possible. Just hitting biceps and calves is pretty much a waste of time if your other muscles aren't pretty well developed.

Weight lifting exercises called compound movements are the key. They hit lots of muscles all at once and help you to burn the most calories. Not only that but the extreme load that they can put on your body also helps to release hormones that force your body to build even more muscle fibers and to burn up even more fat.

If I could only do five exercises for the rest of my life these would be those exercises becacuse they will give me the most bang for the buck when it comes to buildinging muscle.

  • deadlifts
  • squats
  • incline bench press (personal preference but flat bench is fine)
  • bent over rows
  • standing military press
  • pull ups

And that's it. All of my favorite exercises. By varying up number of reps, rest time, and a bunch of other factors that would be the only exercises you'd ever need to do ever again.

My workout partner does all of these exercises just like I do on a weekly basis. He is just as serious about staying in shape as I am. You can read his story here.

If you don't have a workout partner you should seriously consider getting one. Even if they can't make every workout with you they will keep you honest and motivated. On the days that your schedule does meet up you'll have better workouts as they will push you a bit.

You can also lean on each other to make sure that nobody quits. It's the best way to stay in shape for the rest of your life.